Festival Routes in Marpissa

In Between

25, 26, 27 August 2023


Marpissa in Paros will welcome us again this year in its welcoming courtyards, paving alleys, squares and church forecourts, on the occasion of the 13th Routes in Marpissa festival that will take place on August 25, 26 and 27.

This time having the route map as a guide, the bougainvilleas as signposts and the scents of jasmine and herbs as a compass, we will travel to a time when “togetherness” in everyday life, joy and sadness was a given, and the boundaries between personal and public not always distinct.

Having the community and the shared spaces as a point of reference, habits and traditions from the past come to life through interactive games and activities for everyone, providing food for thought and discussion, and are the thematic axes of another festival that invites us to follow it in this year’s Routes, from I to we, from alone to together, from privatizing to “participating in the commons”.

Friday 25, Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 August 2023, Marpissa, Paros

Admission is free to all events

Inspired by the village, accompanied by the residents and aiming at action…come and walk with us in Marpissa!



 Friday 25/08/2023


19:00 “One Note Played by Each One, Become Many Together”, music workshop for children 6-15 years old by Jeben Klapakis, musician, violin graduate / Architect Engineer NTUA, founder of the artistic workshop “The Music Box” and sectional leader in “El Sistema Greeece” (part one).

[Agrotoleschi Building]

Note: It is a three-day workshop. No musical knowledge is necessary for participation and musical instruments will be provided by the organization. On Sunday, the new string orchestra of young musicians will be presented.


19:00 The «New Municipal Council» , activity for children 4-6 years old, by Elena Passou, actress – play therapist.

[Meeting Point: Municipal Community Building]


20:15 Discussion on “Public Space and People”

“Private and Public Space in the Residence”, Irini Gratsia, Archaeologist, Coordinator of MONUMENTA
“Relationships between public and private space”, Iosif Stefanou, Emeritus Professor NTUA.
“The landscape as a relationship between people and public space”, Theano S. Terkenli, Professor, Department of Geography, University of the Aegean
Coordinator: Dr. Archontoula Vasilara, Architect Urban Planner, School of Architecture, NTUA.

[Courtyard of the Municipal Community Building]


22:15 Mihalis Kalkanis Group concert

Lefteris Andriotis: Cretan lyre
Vasilis Baharidis: drums
Mihalis Kalkanis: double bass
Christos Kalkanis: clarinet
Orestis Benekas: piano, keyboards

[Christos Square]

Saturday 26/08/2023


08:30 Morning walk: “Tracing Stories about Trees in a Treeless (?) Island Landscape” with Kalliopi Stara, Cultural Ecology researcher, MSc Ecology, PhD Folklore and Rigas Tsiakiris, forester, MSc Ecology, PhD Conservation Biology.

[Meeting point: Windmill Square]

(Close-toed shoes, hats and water are recommended)


19:00 “One Note Played by Each One, Become Many Together”, music workshop for children 6-15 years old by Jeben Klapakis, musician, violin graduate / Architect Engineer NTUA, founder of the artistic workshop “The Music Box” and sectional leader in “El Sistema Greeece” (part two).

[Agrotoleschi Building]


19:00 The «New Municipal Council» , activity for children 7-13 years old, by Elena Passou, actress – play therapist.

[Meeting point: Christos Square]


20:30 Animation screenings for adults, from the Animasyros International Animation Festival

[Christos Square (A8)]


21:30 «Jovan» , puppet theatre by the Bufos group for all ages.

[Pefko Square]


22:15 Musical performance «Sotiria’s Songs»

Christina Maxouri performs/sings
Musicians: Vassilis Korakakis (bouzouki, vocals), Agis Papapanagiotou (bouzouki), Vassilis Prodromou (guitar, vocals) and Dimitris Koustas (accordion).

Artistic supervision: Dimitris Chaliotis

[Marpissa Community Courtyard]

Sunday 27/08/2023


19:00 “One Note Played by Each One, Become Many Together”, music workshop for children 6-15 years old by Jeben Klapakis, musician, violin graduate / Architect Engineer NTUA, founder of the artistic workshop “The Music Box” and sectional leader in “El Sistema Greeece” (part three).

[Agrotoleschi Building]


20:00 “It was no accident that Marpessa preferred Ida over Apollo…Marpissa and other stories”*, a participatory performance curated by VASKOS (Vassilis Noulas & Kostas Tzimoulis)

[Christos Square]

* The verse “It was no accident that Marpessa preferred Ida over Apollo” is from the poem by Yannis Ritsos “Marpessa’s Choice” (1968).


21:00 “One Note Played by Each One, Become Many Together”, presentation of the new string orchestra, by the musician Jeben Klapakis with the participation of the young musicians.

[Papa-Yiorghi Stamena Square]


22:00 “With tsambounes and tumbakia”, with musicians from Paros and Antiparos.

[Meeting point: Windmill Square]


22:30 Traditional Island feast with Nikos Economides, Kyriaki Spanou, Panagiotis Vergos, Yiorgos Gavras and Nikos Tsantanis.

[Papa-Yiorghi Stamena Square]

Venue: Marpissa, Paros
Free admission to all events
The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the program.


In parallel with the festival’s program, during the three days, 25, 26, 27 August 2023, 19:00 – 22:00 you can also visit:


– The thematic stations and routes of experiential activities designed by the voluntary organizing team of the “Routes in Marpissa”


– The collective artistic project «Vegghera» by the visual artists Myrsini Artakianou and Theodora Kanelli. [Evangelismos Square]


– The “Anousakis residence” and the “Agouros windmill”. The churches of “Evangelismos” and “Saint Paraskevi”


The contemporary art exhibition “The stones are burning in July, my eyes are burning too” * with lime, bleach and gossip.
* Verse from Danae Io’s poem “What is born out of the ground?”

Participant artists: Danai Ιo, Maria K. – Marleno, Orestis Mavroudis, Sofia Dona, VASKOS.
Curator: Despina Zefkili

Danai Io, “Sprouts of a dragon’s teeth”, video 2023. [Opposite Tsantoulis – Stellas residence]

Maria K. and Marleno, “Asbestos”, installation. [Next to Tsantoulis – Stellas residence]

Orestis Mavroudis, “Today ours, tomorrow others’, and never anyone’s“. [Municipal Community Building]

Sofia Dona, “PARASTASIS 2023”, video. [Cine Makis]

VASKOS, “It was no accident that Marpessa preferred Ida over Apollo…Marpissa and other stories”, participatory performance. [Christos Square, Sunday August 27, at 20:00.]